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Jail Break ExD Lottery 1.0


This plugin is an extension for Jail Break ExD v19, it allows admins / players to make a lottery in which other players can participate and win an amount of coins.

/lottery - Opens lottery menu.


// Enable / Disable Lottery
jbed_lottery "1"

// Allow lottery in freeday only.
jbed_lottery_freedayonly "1"

// Max lottery can be created in 1 round.
jbed_lottery_create_max "3"

// Lottery minimum prize.
jbed_lottery_minprize "1000"

// Lottery maximum prize.
jbed_lottery_maxprize "30000"

// Lottery minimum cost.
jbed_lottery_mincost "500"

// Lottery maximum cost.
jbed_lottery_maxcost "4000"

// Lottery min players.
jbed_lottery_minplayers "3"

// Lottery max players.
jbed_lottery_maxplayers "10"

// Only allow admins to open lottery
jbed_lottery_create_adminsonly "1"

// Time in seconds to show lottery results.
jbed_lottery_resulttime "40"


Jail-Break Exd v19


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